He is a lecturer for the following classes at the Polytechnic University of the Marche:
He is the author of the textbook:
Mail: m.callegari@univpm.it – Phone: 071 220 4444 – Institutional page
Full Curriculum Vitae: PDF
In 1986 he graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Genoa and until 1990 worked in industry, in companies operating in the factory automation business. He then joined the University of Genoa as a researcher and became an associate professor at the University of Ancona in 1998. Since 2005, he has been full professor of “Machines Mechanics” at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of the Polytechnic University of Marche. He is president of I-Labs Industry, an innovation infrastructure for the digital transition of SMEs, and coordinator of the Marche node of the Artes 4.0 Competence Center. He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, co-inventor of two patents and member of ASME, IFToMM Italy and I-RIM.
He was scientific leader of the national research project PRIN2005: “Mini-robotic systems for advanced technological applications” and has led local research units in various international research projects on robotics and automation topics, including EURON I and II (European Robotics Research Network) and CLAWAR (CLimbing And WAlking Robots) Networks of Excellence and the FP6 Integrated Project LEAPFROG on automation of the textile industry. More recently, he directed the HD3FLAB Project, a technology platform of the Marche Region on Industry 4.0 issues with a total budget of almost 9 M€.
His research fields mainly concern mechatronics, industrial and advanced robotics, and design of mechanical systems.