Gaetano Lettera received a master’s degree in Industrial and Information Engineering in November 2017 at University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” (Italy), receiving academic praise with an experimental thesis on the recognition and 6D localization of objects in complexand partially occluded scenarios. From December 2017 to June 2018 he won a scholarship for research activities on modelling, localization of objects in 3D space and trajectory planning for pick and place tasks in cluttered environments. From September 2018 to October 2020 he was a Research Fellow at the RoboticsLab of the Department of Industrial and Information Engineering of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” where he studied the design and development, first, of innovative monitoring algorithms of human operators present in the work space of robotic cells compliant with safety standards for collaborative robotics applications, then, of robot speed control algorithms in SSM (Speed and Separation Monitoring) collaborative scenarios. The optimization of the results was then made functional on a real TRL 7 robotic cell for the drilling and assembly of aeronautical structural elements. Since November 2020 he has been a PhD student at the same University and, at the same time, he collaborates (until June 2023) with a systems integrator company as PE (Project Engineer) of research projects in aerospace sector, dealing with project management and coordination from the offer to the implementation of automatic systems and processes, with a focus on the design and software development of robotic engineering modules for complex industrial systems.
The main research interests are in robotics, mechatronics and system integration.
During his collaboration with the Department of Industrial and Information Engineering of the University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” he actively participated in various European research projects, mainly on the topics of vision, grasping, trajectory planning and collaborative robotics. He has experience with point-cloud based algorithms for the recognition and 6D localization of similar objects in cluttered and partially occluded environments, visual servoing techniques and trajectory planning for object manipulation and execution of pick and place tasks.
As Research Fellow, he mainly worked on collaborative robotics for industrial environments, studying and implementing sensor fusion and deep learning techniques for the multimodal detection – in real time – of the human operators presence in collaborative scenarios of the SSM (Speed and Separation Monitoring) for safe human-robot interaction. He then integrated the research results into an industrial robotic solution created as part of the European Clean Sky 2 research program, aimed at assembling fuselage panels. He continued to deepen his research as a collaborator of the same company, contributing to the programming of cooperative robots and to the software development of innovative vision algorithms for the referencing of aeronautical structural elements, drilling, countersinking, sealing, riveting and inspection of the same, optimizing the process to TRL 7 and bringing the project to completion.
From the company experience, he acquired the ability to manage research projects, with particular focus also on nickel superalloy deposition techniques for 3D printing. He contributed incisively to the integration of innovative additive manufacturing technologies and multi-robot cells for the creation of large-scale industrial aeronautical components, taking care of the process and becoming the main reference for geometric calibrations of complex robotic systems and use of metrological instruments.
A. Campomaggiore, M. Costanzo, G. LETTERA, C. Natale “A Fuzzy Inference Approach to Control Robot Speed in Human-Robot Shared Workspaces”, 16th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 2019
- M. Costanzo, G. LETTERA, C. Natale, D. Perrone “A Multimodal Perception System for Detection of Human Operators in Robotic Work Cells”, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2019
- M. Costanzo, G. De Maria, G. LETTERA, C. Natale, “A multimodal approach to human safety in collaborative robotic workcells”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2019
- M. Costanzo, G. De Maria, G. LETTERA, C. Natale, “Grasp Control for Enhancing Dexterity of Parallel Grippers”, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2020
- M. Costanzo, G. De Maria, G. LETTERA, C. Natale, “Can Robots Refill a Supermarket Shelf?”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (IEEE RAS) 2020