Performs support activities for the teachings of the Machine Mechanics group. He is a lecturer for the following classes at eCampus University: Machines Mechanics and Functional Design.

Mail: d.costa@univpm.it – Phone: 071 220 4418 – institutional page



In July 2011, he graduated in Aerospace Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Milan. He obtained his second master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in October 2015 at the Università Politecnica delle Marche. He received the degree of Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering from Marche Polytechnic University in 2019. In the same year, he receives his license to practice as a Mechanical Engineer. From 2019 to 2021, he is Post-Doc Research Fellow at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the same University. From January 2022, he is a Research Fellow at the same Department. In June 2023 he was awarded the scientific qualification in the field of concurrency 09/A2 for the functions of associate professor.



He coordinates the technical activities of the i-Labs Industry Laboratory.

His research interests lie mainly within the following themes:

  • Collaborative Robotics – Development of tools and methods for a safe human-robot cooperation.

  • Swimming Biomechanics – Study, simulation with numerical techniques and experimental validation of propulsive mechanisms in marine biological systems.

  • Marine Robotics – Mechanics of underwater vehicles: study and simulation with multi-body techniques of the dynamics of biomimetic underwater robots. Design and prototyping of marine vehicles.

  • Educational Robotics – design and prototyping with additive techniques (3D Printing) of robotic fish used as a tool for teaching STREM subjects.



  • Scaradozzi, D., Palmieri, G., Costa, D., & Pinelli, A., “BCF swimming locomotion for autonomous underwater robots: a review and a novel solution to improve control and efficiency.” Ocean Engineering, 130, 437-453, 2017.

  • Costa, D., Palmieri, G., Palpacelli, M. C., Scaradozzi, D., & Callegari, M., “Design of a Carangiform Swimming Robot through a Multiphysics Simulation Environment”. Biomimetics, 5(4), 2020.

  • Costa, D., Palmieri, G., Palpacelli, M.-C., Panebianco, L., Scaradozzi, D., Design of a Bio-Inspired Autonomous Underwater Robot, (2018) Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications, 91 (2), pp. 181-192.

  • Callegari, M., Carbonari, L., Costa, D., Palmieri, G., Palpacelli, M. C., Papetti, A., & Scoccia, C. (2022). Tools and methods for human robot collaboration: Case studies at i-LABS. Machines, 10(11), 997.

  • Costa, D., Screpanti, L., & Scaradozzi, D. (2023). Disseminating STEM Subjects and Ocean Literacy through a Bioinspired Toolkit. Biomimetics, 8(2), 161.

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